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I like Fishing !
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Saturday, January 1, 2011


Global warming
In the 1980s, scientists made an alarming discovery. They discovered that the average surface temperature on earth is increasing slowly due to the greenhouse gases. 
Greenhouse gases:                                                          
Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor  naturally exist in the earth`s atmosphere. They are important because they trap heat and energy from the sun and this helps maintain temperature suitable for life. Without it, Earth would be a frozen and likely uninhabitable planet. (http://0-www.school.eb.co.uk.library.hct.ac.ae/all/elementary/article?articleId=440498
The causes of global warming:
However, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmospheres has increased when people begun to burn fossil fuel to create energy to use  in their daily life. So as more greenhouse gases get into the air, the more heat they will trap and this will lead to global warming.
So the greenhouse gases were not a problem until people started to burn the fossil fuel to power their factories, run vehicles and produce electricity.
Another cause is that people have cut down many rainforests. Trees use carbon dioxide when they make their own food. And as a result, fewer trees mean more carbon dioxide into the air.

The global warming effects:
Global warming will affect our planet in many ways. For example, the rise of the temperature on earth will melt the sea ice and glaciers, especially in the Arctic.
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has projected that the Arctic could be virtually free of summer sea ice by 2070, and more recent studies project this could occur several decades sooner. So the melting of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica will cause sea-level rise. If that happens, many lowland countries will be at risk since they would be underwater. And many land animals and plants will die and people won’t find food to eat. (http://0-www.school.eb.co.uk.library.hct.ac.ae/all/comptons/article-276220)
The Global warming also causes other climate disasters like tropical cyclones.

The solutions for Global warming:
We can`t stop global warming but we can at least slow it down. Many people and governments are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases and slow down the global warming, and everyone can help.
  “Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) today, the Earth would still warm by another degree Fahrenheit or so. But what we do from today forward makes a big difference.  Depending on our choices, scientists predict that the Earth could eventually warm by as little as 2.5 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.” ( http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-solutions.html )
People are doing many things to minimize the amount of greenhouse gases launched to the air. Some of them are doing carpooling which is sharing the same vehicle when two or more persons are going to the same place. Another thing people are doing is reduce the use of cars and start walking or riding a bicycle to their work or school.
The governments in many countries are doing their best to slowdown the global warming. For example, some governments put a law called The Clean Air Act so there is less air pollution. This law makes many companies  change their products to decrease the greenhouse gases. And this law also forces car companies to change things inside the cars to reduce the carbon dioxide launched from them to the air. Another thing that the governments are doing is improving the public transportation so more people use them and that would reduce the amount of cars in the street and the amount of the air pollution which will slowdown the global warming. (http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/global_warming.htm)
In my opinion, I guess the best solution for the global warming is to stop using the fossil fuel and search for alternative sources of energy that are cleaner and safer and don`t harm our environment.

708 words.
1-global warming. (2011). In Primary Britannica. Retrieved January 1, 2011, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition:http://0-www.school.eb.co.uk.library.hct.ac.ae/all/elementary/article?articleId=440498

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